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Send us a picture and/or an accompanying review of your Eden glasshouse or greenhouse or accessories in use to, and we’ll let you know when it’s been loaded.  Cheers from the team at Edenlite!
Victoria Gordon
Victoria Gordon@Taupo
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A GIFT THAT WAS RECEIVED FROM HEAVEN… In October 2016 my Mum received a birthday present from her very excited husband [Ross Allen]. It was a Eden brochure of a glasshouse. He had surprised her and was so happy to have come up with such an suitable present for a lady with a green thumb. Delivery was due a bit later so he had given her the brochure on the day. After that they went away on holiday – a much look forward to cruise in Asia and a chance for a life long dream to come true to see Orangutans in the wild. Sadly while in Singapore Mum’s husband passed away. It was a terrible time of course with a funeral in Auckland 4 days before Christmas. We waited in Auckland for his ashes and headed back home to Taupo. When we came back to the house we discovered the glasshouse had been delivered – his final gift. We had it installed where he had already chosen to put it and when it was erected had a few people round to christen it in his memory. So the photo we have sent you is of the glasshouse in site. My Mum had had a particularly hard day with her grieving. The following day she looked out the window and even though it was a dismal day there was a beautiful rainbow perfectly situated over the glasshouse. We quickly took a photo and were so pleased and she joked that it was her husband sending her a sign. Unbeknownst to her I took the photo and had it enlarged and framed and on her husband’s birthday we gave it to her. Coming up with a caption is a bit tough because although it is just a glasshouse it means much more to us. Also he would have loved to seen his name appear as I guess that would make him chuckle – so my attempt at a caption is: “A gift that was received from heaven – a rainbow and Ross Allen”
Shaun Keays-Byrne
Shaun Keays-Byrne@Sydney, Australia
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GREAT GROWING SYSTEM! My wife, Susan had always been a keen and capable gardener with the strength and stamina to complete the most demanding physical jobs in our backyard. So it was a bitter blow when in 2008 she suffered a severe stroke that left her significantly disabled. No longer able to enjoy working in the garden her frustration was obvious and so we hit upon the idea a investing in an Eden glasshouse. We already had the perfect spot in the yard – a concrete slab left after we removed the old garage. The glasshouse arrived in Mid 2010. At first I was a bit daunted by the prospect of constructing the frame but I convinced myself it was just a life-size Meccano kit and with a bit of help I managed to set it up without too much difficulty; I even managed the glazing without breaking a single pane! The addition of galvanised benches plus an automatic watering system and the glasshouse was ready for use. We both enjoy the benefits of being able to grow plants throughout the year. Sue has become skilled at growing and potting up seedlings and taking cuttings and we always have a ready supply of flowers for the garden. We have also tried our hand at growing native plants for our local Bushcare scheme achieving success with Flannel Flowers, Kangaroo grass, Kunzia and Wonga vine to name just a few. Sometimes, on the coldest days of winter I can find Susan just sitting in the glasshouse soaking up the heat of the sun and recently a Perons Tree Frog has taken up residence to help us control the bugs! The glasshouse has stood up well to the elements although we had to replace the shade cloth after 8 years as the cockies decided it was fun to sit on the roof pole and rip holes in the material. I give it a thorough clean each winter and do my best to keep it pest and disease free. I hope you like the photos of the glasshouse. Feel free to use them on-line.
John Doe
John Doe@username
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Winter Heating Tips

Winter Heating Tips Today we will look at how to manage one of crops’ biggest killers: Winter. The season can be extremely cold, frosty and

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Why Use a Glasshouse or Greenhouse?

Why use a Glasshouse or Greenhouse? Firstly, because Glasshouses and Greenhouses provide immense satisfaction and sense of achievement of harvesting healthy vegetables, flowers and plants!

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Victoria Gordon (Taupo)

A GIFT THAT WAS RECEIVED FROM HEAVEN… In October 2016 my Mum received a birthday present from her very excited husband [Ross Allen]. It was

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Ventilation Air circulation and correct ventilation is very important in a glasshouse or greenhouse. Therefore, it is essential to have the correct amounts of vents

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