About Edenlite: We are a Local firm and our mission here at Edenlite Ltd is to provide the best in glasshouses and growing essentials.
Our manufacturing plant is in Dunedin and we supply to New Zealand, as well as shipping internationally to numerous other countries.
Gardening provides the essence of health and well-being. Many studies about gardening have confirmed the enjoyment and satisfaction of growing your own plants. Experiencing the taste and quality of fruit or vegetables you’ve grown on your own property is extremely gratifying.
This is where glasshouses and greenhouses come in, providing important benefits such as the enhanced growing options with year-round results, insulated from climatic conditions.
Your glasshouse or greenhouse will become a haven where you can retreat from the stress and strain of today’s society and enjoy encouraging nature to provide top-tasting tomatoes, beautiful berries, odiferous orchids and much more.
Few activities compare with glasshouse gardening for relaxation and contentment. Likewise, the vast range of fruit, veges, flowers and herbs you can grow all year round is almost limitless. Chances are, if you take up gardening or buy a glasshouse, you’ll be hooked for life. That’s why it is so important to make the right choice about what glasshouse you invest in. At Edenlite, we have over 50 years’ experience in making high-quality, easy to assemble aluminium glasshouses. The Eden design incorporates the highest quality Comalco Aluminium and Grade A toughened safety glass. This also uses strong, but slim alloy sections to provide an exceptionally strong and lightweight structure that is windproof and will survive whatever the elements throw at it.
We are the pioneers of the Aluminium Glasshouse. With the first model built in 1967, we have had over 50 years’ experience at the top level and have thousands of units all over the world. As a result, this experience has paid off and we now have tried and proven models that will not rust, warp, decay or ever need painting. Why? As the inventors of the modern aluminium glasshouse, all out units are 100% aluminium or stainless steel. This ensures a rich investment that will last for a lifetime of gardening satisfaction. Our quality glasshouses also include many standard features such as lockable sliding doors, auto vent openers, and an aluminium base kit to name a few. We also offer a range of other accessories such as plant benches, shade kits, crop support clips, and growing material.
The respective benefits of glass and the polycarbonate panes is interesting and renders a choice that each individual buyer should consider applicable to their situation. This decision is completely based on buyer preference, as each option is better in its own ways. Glass is timeless and will not break down even after decades of use. However, it’s lifetime can be shortened if it is in an area where it could be smashed. Glass also allows for more light from the sun, meaning you may need to purchase a shadecloth if you like in a hotter area.
We’d love to supply you with what we know will give you one of life’s pleasures for years to come!