Victoria Gordon’s Moving Story on her Glasshouse
In October 2016 my Mum received a birthday present from her very excited husband. It was a Eden brochure of a glasshouse. He had surprised her and was so happy to have come up with such an suitable present for a lady with a green thumb. Delivery was due a bit later so he had given her the brochure on her birthday. After that they went away on holiday. A much looked-forward-to cruise in Asia and a chance for a life long dream to come true to see Orangutans in the wild. Sadly while in Singapore Mum’s husband passed away. When we came back the glasshouse had been delivered – his final gift. We had it installed where he had already chosen to put it. And when it was erected had a few people round to christen it in his memory. So this photo is of the glasshouse in site. One day Mum looked out the window and even though it was a dismal day there was a beautiful rainbow perfectly situated over the glasshouse. We quickly took a photo and were so pleased. She joked that it was her husband sending her a sign. Unbeknown to her I took the photo and had it enlarged and framed and on her husband’s birthday we gave it to her. Coming up with a caption is a bit tough. Although it is just a glasshouse it means much more to us. Also he would have loved to seen his name appear so I guess that would make him chuckle – so my attempt at a caption is:
“A gift that was received from heaven – a rainbow and Ross Allen”