Summer is just around the corner and with the warmer weather and longer days, more time can be spent outside. This also calls for fresh and healthy salad flavours which can be grown right in your garden.
Lettuce, rocket, spinach and silverbeet are great bases to start growing outside, in time for summer. These greens tend to thrive in the spring, with cool weather and occasional rain.
Lettuces tend to grow faster in spring so try different varieties for texture and colour. Rocket can be grown either in pots or in garden soil and be sure to pick silverbeet and spinach while the plants are young.
Mound up the soil around potatoes as the leaves begin to appear. Some more ideas for sowing this month include beans, celery, carrots, radishes and sweetcorn, peas, spring onion and beetroot.
For continuous harvesting, aim to sow seeds every three weeks and spray with copper to prevent against fungi.
Now that the weather is warmer, start thinking about planting staples such as kumara, potatoes and if you haven’t already, tomatoes.
Fresh summer veges such as corn, cucumber, melons, peppers, aubergine and zucchini are also great to grow in your glasshouse or in warmer areas.
Sow hardy plants such as brussel sprouts, leeks, lettuce, onions and peas. Later in the month is also a great time to start sowing faster growing tender plants such as squashes, pumpkins and courgettes to get them in in their final position.
Greenhouses are great to protect plants from the last of the winter chills and if you have one, don’t forget to increase watering for plants as the weather gets warmer. Try using a liquid fertiliser such as Miracle Grow and Nitrosol with each watering for healthier plants.